Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Texture Mapping


  1. This is a creative image that captured my attention.
    I like how the textures are intertwined with each other. Turning the image into a naturalistic vibe as well as a dream like feel.

    It is great that the texture of the foreground bench it helps to bring the subject forward.

    I wish the girl on the bench was shifted over to the right of the image because she is gazing to the left and that way she is not directly centered in the image.

  2. I like the theme of being stuck between the conventional world and the idea of wilderness. It really gets the viewer to think about the deeper meaning of the piece. The face of the girl really allows for interpretation which makes the photo ambiguous.

    The textures overall work but the pink in the girls hair in my opinion draws the viewers attention more than it needs to. The hair could use a less opaque pink that still allows for meaning but doesn't draw all of the viewers attention to the pink hair.

  3. I enjoy the bright dreaminess of this piece coupled with the almost apathetic expression of the model. The pattern on the benches reminded me of hard lace or the delicate patterns on doilies or shells -- very prim and girly, at direct contrast with the harsh, barren language of the branches, reaching over as if to spear the girl. While this is an interesting dynamic, it's also unbalanced. The trees need softening or textures of their own in order to conform with the shifting world you've described within the confines of the image. There can still be this contrast, but try and make it subtler. The same goes for the mushroom, which needs another set of similar elements to connect to -- perhaps a few other mushrooms of various proportions and design hidden throughout? I agree with the comment about the distracting hair, as well -- it needs to serve more of a purpose if it's going to be there.
